
Smit Srivastava
1 min readMar 1, 2023
Painting by Author (Smit Srivastava)

Infidelity, the betrayal of trust,

A wound so deep, it leaves the heart to rust,

An act of deceit, a breach of faith,

A reckless choice, a price too great!

The one who strays, seeks forbidden pleasure,

A fleeting thrill, a stolen treasure,

But what is gained, is far outweighed,

By what is lost, the price they’ve paid.

For infidelity leaves a scar,

That never truly heals, no matter how far,

The guilty heart may run and hide,

But the shame and guilt, will still reside.

The one betrayed, left to wonder why,

Their love and loyalty, just not enough to satisfy,

Their partner’s needs, their desires and lust,

Leaving them broken, in the ashes and dust.

The trust once given, now shattered and torn,

The love once cherished, now bitter and forlorn,

The pain and hurt, so hard to bear,

Leaves the betrayed, in a world of despair.

And yet, some couples do survive,

The infidelity, that almost took their lives,

Through honesty, forgiveness, and deep introspection,

They find a way, to mend their connection.

Infidelity, a test of love,

A challenge, that few can rise above,

But for those who do, there is a chance,

To find redemption, and a new romance.



Smit Srivastava

IE MBA Graduate| Technical Program/Product Manager [Data Science, Web Development & DevOps]in the Ad-Tech domain| Writer at Analytics Vidhya| A knowledge seeker